Wait for automatic CMake generation or press Generate on the popup “C++ IntelliSense information may be out of date, generate the CMake cache to refresh…”.Replace the default ‘圆4-Debug’ in CMakeSettings.json with ‘Linux-GCC-Debug’.Run Docker container and add SSH connection info in Visual Studio options.Create C++ CMake Project in Visual Studio 2022.When Visual Studio launches the project for the first time or a CMakeLists.txt file has been altered, Visual Studio does some configuration, allowing me to view, compile and run the CMake targets, and other CMake settings also become available in the UI, however, when reopening the project, Visual Studio does not seem to detect the CMake Project or reconfigure automatically, meaning no targets are shown hence not possible to compile, or if shown don’t work, and no settings for CMake are shown in the UI I could theoretically update a CMakeLists.txt file which after relaunching again could cause a regenerate, causing Visual Studio to detect the project, show the targets and general settings relating to CMake in the UI, but this is not ideal and could cause the entire project to require recompiling. I’m using Visual Studio to connect to a docker container via SSH for remote development using CMake as the build system.