Why is my husband using duckduckgo
Why is my husband using duckduckgo

why is my husband using duckduckgo

In the car, I listen to ad-free satellite radio.

why is my husband using duckduckgo

In the meantime, I play with the dogs, thumb through a book, etc. I hit it as soon as the show breaks and don’t unmute until the program starts again. I mute every ad, on every program, every time. The best defense against this manipulation is the mute button. She wrote, in part: “I’m a bit behind reading the paper so I only just now read your column on advertising. Then I got a message from Sabrina Jarema in Fairfield. If that doesn’t do it, start punching the others until you find it, he advised. Try the second button down on the right bank beside the screen first. Reader James Swickard was kind enough to let us know there may be a mute button on those gas pumps. I had written recently about being assailed by TV-style commercials everywhere I went, even at a gas pump while refilling my car’s fuel tank.

Why is my husband using duckduckgo